The countdown begins at FCS…I am extremely proud of the efforts by the administration, the teachers, and certainly looking forward to again, continuing our yearly tradition as the Foothill Christian school teenage group and the chaperones visit the Dominican Republic this Thanksgiving. It is still hard to believe that this will be our fourth mission trip to the island, and that a new group of youngsters (and parents) have decided to give up their traditional Thanksgiving holiday in order to fly south and serve so many desperate souls with deep needs in the Manny Mota International Foundation’s “Field of Dreams”; located in the empoverished section of El Tamarindo, near the capitol Santo Domingo. In recent conversations with my parents Manny and Margarita, whom eagerly await for the arrival of the group, they tell me that as the days go by, more and more of the Tamarindo children are asking about “los Americanos, cuándo vienen? (the Americans, when do they arrive?).” With that, of course my folks, God bless them, cannot hide the pride they feel seeing that their granddaughter Alina’s vision continues to grow.
As expected, throughout the school-year a well-coordinated fundraising effort was established by Mr. Gaines (trip leader), in conjunction with the parents, the school, and the students; and two weeks ago, close to THREE THOUSAND pounds of goods were shipped over to Santo Domingo! It is quite remarkable to witness how the pounds/boxes keep growing with each passing year, which is a testament to the leadership and inspiration of Mr. Gutzweiller (superintendent), and the rest of the student body, recognizing how every item that is packed and shipped will serve to make someone’s life a little better.